L – This contents page has conventional features such as a house style, several images depicting the smaller features. Also there is a main feature headline and an image to go with it, a splash and conventional colours such as yellow, white and black are used. The typeface is a sans serif font which is typical for most music magazine , making the text easily readable and bold. The splashes are used to draw attention to those feature and make the reader jump to those stories first. They are then likely to see more features and adverts that appeal to them as they flick through, because most main feature articles are nearer to the back of a magazine.
I – Kerrang is published by Bauer Media Group, a large publishing company based in Hamburg, Germany. Bauer Media reach over 19,000,000 adults across the U.K. through multiple media channels. They own other magazine brands such as: Grazia, More, FHM, Heat, Q and Empire. Along with their magazine brands they also own several radio channels for example Kerrang radio, Kiss 100 and Heat along with numerous local radio stations. It is a worldwide media empire with over 300 magazines in 15 countries along with their radio (with 1.3 million listeners they are the biggest commercial radio station outside London), TV and online accessibility. When the brand started they were devoted to the new wave of British rock music and in 2000s they were the bestselling British music newspaper.
I – Kerrang are the biggest weekly music in the world and have a 31 year history. Their main aim is to produce a magazine dominated by music and mainly of the rock/alternate genre. They aim for their brand to appeal to a wide spectrum of readers and with their audience dominated by such a young audience they try to appeal to their taste in several sub-genres of rock for example; emo and thrash. They describe themselves as appealing to “Young, individually minded and passionate consumers, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty.” They aim to appeal to people from their magazine, TV, radio station, Kerrang.com, Kerrang Awards and Kerrang Tour. They aim to be less conventional than the mainstream and aim keep up with the current trends of rock music and have featured mainly artists that defy the social norms.
A – The audience of this magazine are predominantly made up of 17 – 24 year olds with a median age of 22. As of January – June 2010 they had reached a circulation figure of 44,013 ABC. 52% of their audience fit the ABC1 profile. Kerrang is also mainly reaching out to the younger, more elusive market this is a huge advantage for them as they are usually expensive to reach and it means they can also advertise films, games, mobile technology and specific government messages on the pages of their magazine. The audience of this magazine tend to be the people that immerse themselves in the music and mainly rock with 87% buying every issue. Kerrang’s readers are huge music consumers , on average, purchasing over 6 albums a month(53% more than the national average) they are also 8 times more likely to spend over £200 a year on albums. These readers are also 5.5 times more likely to attend a rock gig.
R – The denotations of this contents page are the yellow and black font, 2 main large images, 5 smaller images and a yellow splash. This connotes an eye-catching image with the yellow flash and the font is eye-catching as the yellow contrasts with the black and links in with the house style of the magazine. The larger images suggest that these are the lead features and the smaller images are smaller features. The quote used invites the reader to learn more. The font on the right side of the page is sans serif and the images dominate, however because of the use of yellow the features still stand out. The flash is advertising more features, a competition, and stands out well to draw in the attention. The background is white so there aren’t too many colours and it keeps the focus on the features. This contents page is good because it stays with the house style of the rest of the magazine, I also think it is in keeping with the genre of music it advertises. The layout used makes it easily understandable.
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