Friday 30 September 2011

Conventions of a Magazine Layout



Masthead title piece The magazine’s title. Usually displayed in the top left corner.
Price Magazine cost.
Date Weekly: usually from Saturday to Friday. Monthly: a month ahead.
Issue Number A tally of magazines.
Barcode Read electronically and decoded into usable information.
Teaser One word/phrase acts as an attention grabber.
Main Feature: Headline A phrase that may summarise the main point of the main feature. In large print, different style, bold colours in order to catch the attention of the reader.
Subtitle Smaller headline that may summarise the features.
Smaller Feature Features included in the magazine.
Images Size: CU to Med CU. Ranges from one main image to x amount featuring one main image and smaller images. Helps make the page loom more interesting. It can add understanding of a story and/or entice someone to read the magazine.
Font Style and size of type face.
Colour Specific/stylistic/thematic types.
Graphics Graphical shapes to highlight feature(s).
Offers/adverts Blurb Banner-style shape featuring free products/promotions.
Left Third Where you would see the main story headline.
Sell Lines The brand identifier.
Splash Looks usually like a splash.
Credit e.g. Photographed by…
Kicker Aims to pull you in to read it.
Teller Explains the Kicker.
Skyline Headline above the masthead for the additional features.
Flash Like Splash, a graphic feature.
Graphology The art of using graphics. E.g. colour scheme, placement, design etc.
Anchorage Explains the photograph (caption).
Vocabulary Making it relevant to the content.
Screamers A headline you would verbally shout (with a “!”).

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Preliminary Exercise Brief

Using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally you must produce a mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of DTP.